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  • All fields: United Kingdom -- England -- Leicester
(613 results)

Display: 20

    • Zeppelins

    • Hyde, Colin;
    • Compilation of recordings containing memories of the First World War, from the collections of the East Midlands Oral History Archive. Memories of seeing zeppelins over Leicester, confusion caused by the warning siren. The bombing of Loughborough in...
    • World War I; Home Front;
    • Food pt 1

    • Hyde, Colin;
    • Compilation of recordings containing memories of the First World War, from the collections of the East Midlands Oral History Archive. Memories of Queuing for food, coping with shortages, making food. Using savings to buy food, and allocating food.
    • World War I; Home Front;
    • Women working pt 1

    • Hyde, Colin;
    • Compilation of recordings containing memories of the First World War, from the collections of the East Midlands Oral History Archive. General memories of the work women did during the First World War in factories and on the land, often doing work...
    • World War I; Home Front;
    • Women working pt 2

    • Hyde, Colin;
    • Compilation of recordings containing memories of the First World War, from the collections of the East Midlands Oral History Archive. Memories of work on trains at Rothley and munitions at Standard Engineering.
    • World War I; Home Front;
    • Men working

    • Hyde, Colin;
    • Compilation of recordings containing memories of the First World War, from the collections of the East Midlands Oral History Archive. General memories of the work men did during the First World War.
    • World War I; Home Front;
    • Absence, Illness & Death pt 2

    • Hyde, Colin;
    • Compilation of recordings containing memories of the First World War, from the collections of the East Midlands Oral History Archive. Memories of father visiting on leave, mother reacting to news of his death in France, coping at school; local...
    • World War I; Home Front;
    • Leicester's Tribute to Her Heroes

    • Official Handbook of the Bazaar and festival, 24 May to 2 June 1917. Held at the Junior Training Hall and Tigers' Football Ground, Aylestone Road and Welford Road, Leicester in aid of His Worship the Mayor's £100,000 scheme for Leicester disabled...
    • World War I; Bazaars; Festivals
    • Troops marching along Granby Street, 1909

    • Anon;
    • Black and white photograph with ms note on reverse 'Troops marching along Granby Street to the unveiling ceremony in The Town Hall Square in 1909'. Refers to the unveiling of the South African War Memorial in the corner of Town Hall Square at Every...
    • Soldiers; Boer War; Memorial rites & ceremonies; Memorial works;
    • Soldiers on train platform

    • Heawood. Leicester, Hinckley & Melton Mowbray
    • Sepia postcard of soldiers and civilians on a railway platform. Blank on reverse.
    • World War I; Railways
    • Great War veterans march in Leicester

    • Anon;
    • Black and white photograph of World War I veterans marching in Leicester. Clipping pasted to reverse with headline 'Great War Veterans March in Leicester' reads 'Old soldiers who made history 50 years ago in the Flanders mud and shell-pocked trench...
    • Veterans; Soldiers; World War I;
    • Soldiers on Leicester Railway Station

    • Anon;
    • Black and white photograph of soldiers on Leicester Railway Station. MS note on reverse 'Wartime scene at a Leicester railway station'. Date stamp 1 July 1938.
    • Soldiers; World War I;
    • Lord Kitchener of Khartoum inspecting a scout rally in Leicester

    • Anon;
    • Black and white photograph of Lord Kitchener of Khartoum inspecting a scout rally in Leicester. Cutting on reverse reads: 'HERE is another picture from our Victorian Girls Album. It shows the great K. of K. - Lord Kitchener of Khartoum - inspecting...
    • World War I; Boy scouts
    • Armistice Day, 1937

    • Anon;
    • Black and white photograph of crowds in Town Hall Square, Leicester, taken on 11 November 1937 (Armistice Day).
    • Armistices; World War I;
    • Leaving by train

    • Anon;
    • Black and white photograph of soldiers and civilians on a railway station platform during World War I. Date stamp on reverse, 9 Sep. 1939.
    • Railway stations; Soldiers; World War I;


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