Text for Kelly's Directory of Bedfordshire, 1890 - Page 40

              24 BEDFORD. BE])):l'O,.aDSBJRE.
Certified Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment
Act :-Robert Barry Stafford, 83 High street ; John
Rogers, 8 3 High street ; Henry Pulley, 5 St. Paul's sq. ;
Alfred Long Field, 77 High street; John Usher, 9 St.
Paul's square ; Harry Ball, 7A, Mill street ; Frederick
Winser, 2 Costin street; James Charles Henman Robin­son,
West End farm, Stevington
Corn Exchange, St. Paul's square, Joseph Nichols, ballkeeper
County Police Office, Shire hall, Lieut.-Col. Frederick John
Josselyn, chief constable. Divisional station, Gadsby st.
Henry Quenby, superintendent, & one constable
Deaconesses' Home, Bromham rd. Miss Eagles, head sister
General Infirmary, Ampthill road, Henry Wilson Sha.rpin,
F.R.C.S.Eng. & William Greaves Johnson, consulting sur­geons
; George Pocock Goldsmith M.D. & Rowland Hill
Coombs M. D. physicians; Robert Henry Kinsey &
Edward Colby Sharpin L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeons; Robert
Henry Elliott, resident surgeon; F. Wenlock-Williams
L.D.S.F.P.s.elas. surgeon-dentist; Rev. F. Wm. Piercy
B. A. chaplain; Major Kneebone, sec. ; Isaac Walker,
H. M. Prison, St. Loyes street, James Cranston, warder in
charge; Rev. Henry Waters T.A.K.c.L. chaplain; Robert
Henry Kinsey, surgeon ; Mrs. Mary Fox, matron
High Court of Justice District Registry, St. Paul's square,
James Pearse, district registrar
Inland Revenue Office, 77~ High street, Henry Osborne,
supervisor ; Caleb Killick, officer
Literary & Scientific Institute & General Library, Harpur
street, president elected annually ; Wm. Davis, librarian
Ordnance Survey Office, Carlton House, Linden road, Capt.
E. J. G. Boyce R.E. officer in charge
Moravian Sisters' House, 24 St. Peter's street, Miss Mary
Lucretia Broadbent, lady superintendent.
Provident Dispensary, St. Peter's green, Charles Edward
Prior M. D. hon. physician ; George Pocock Goldsmith
M:.D. George Robinson, Jabez Carter M.B. Robert Henry
Kinsey, Rowland Hill Coombs M.D. Cottingham Greaves
Johnson, Francis Barclay Willmer Phillips M.B. & Samuel
Hoppus Adams M.D. medical officers; Henry Tebbs, sec
Shire Hall, St. Paul's square, John Ho ward, hall keeper
Stamp Office, Post office, High street
Tax Office, 77?! High st. Henry P. Pacey, surveyor of taxes
Volunteer Fire Brigade, engine house, Mill street; Augustus
Hill, capt. & sec
The Board meets every saturday except during harvest
months, when the meetings are fortnightly, at the work­house
at II o'clock
Bedford poor-law union consists of 45 parishes or places,
viz. : Biddenham, Bletsoe, Bolnhurst, Bromham, Car­dington,
Carlton, Chellington, Clapham, Colworth, Col­worth
Farm, Cople, Eastcott, Elstow, Felmersham,
Goldington, Great Barford, Harrold, Kempston, Keysoe,
Knotting, Melchbourne, Milton Ernest, Oakley, Odell,
Pavenbam, Ravensden, Renhold, Risely, Roxton, St.
Cuthbert, St. John, St. Mary, St. Paul & St. Peter
(Bedford), Sharnbrook, Souldrop, Stagsden, Stevington,
Thurleigh, Turvey, Wilden, Willington, Wilshamstead,
Wootton & Yelden. The population in r88r was 42,932;
rateable value, £243,256
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Mark
Sharman, 6 St. Paul's square, Bedford
Treasurer, Thomas Barnard, Bedford Bank
Relieving Officers-Northern Division, James Frederick
Wakenell, 35 St. Peter's street, Bedford ; Southern Divi­sion,
Thomas Peer, 25 Prebend street, Bedford
Vaccination Officer, John Arthur Scoyne Bowden, Howbury
street, Bedford
Collector to the Guardians, Mark Sharman, 6 St. Paul's
square, Bedford
Medical Officers-Bedford & Cardington district, George
Pocock Goldsmith M.D. Bedford; Bedford & Kempstou
district, Jabez Carter M. B. Bedford; Barford district,
Charles Sprigge M.D. Great Barford ; Go1dington district,
Rowland Hill Coombs M.D. Bedford ; Harrold district,
Harold Wessen Husbands L.R.c P.LOnd. Harrold; Risely
district, Philip Humbley Banks, Risely; Sharnbrook
district, Leonard Philip Banks L.R.c.P.Irel. Sharnbrook;
Turvey district, Morris Fisher Cock L.R.C.P.Lond. Rich­mond
house, Turvey
Public Vaccinators-Bedford Town district, George Pocock
Goldsmith M.D. Bedford; Kempston & Cardington dis­trict,
Jabez Carter M.B. Bedford ; Sharnbrook district,
Philip Humbley Banksw Risely; Barford, Goldington,
Harrold, Risely & Turvey districts, same as Medical
Superintendent Registrar, Henry Tebbs, 2 Tavistock street,
Bedford; deputy, William C. Toll, 4 Lurke st. Bedford ;
Bariord sub-district, John Westley, Ravensden; deputy,
Samuel John Westley,Ravensd~; Bedford & Cardington
sub-district, R, Hill Coombs, :J./3 ,..Mill •tr1"t1 :ijedford ~
deputy, Oliver Cromwell Coombs, 28 Mill st. Bedford;
Bedford & Kempston sub-district, James Frederick Wake­nell,
35 St. Peter's street, Bedford ; deputy, Thomas
Peer, 25 Prebend street, Bedford ; Harrold sub-district,
Caleb LeFevre, jun. Harrold; deputy, William Richard
Fairey, Harrold; Risely sub-district, Phillip Humbley
Banks, Risely ; deputy, E. Smith, Risely ; Sbarnbrook
sub-district, George Clayton Newell, Milton Ernest;
deputy, John Newell) Sharnbrook; Turvey sub-district,
John Sneath, Stevington ; deputy, J. Pool, Stevington
Registrar of Marriages-A. R. Thompson, r63 Tavistock
street, Bedford; deputy, William Samuel Day, So High
street, Bedford; Ca1eb LeFevre, jun. Harrold ; deputy,
William Richard Fairey, Harrold; John Westley, Ravens­den;
deputy, Samuel John Westley, Ravensden
The Union House, formerly the House of Industry, is
situated on the Kimbolton road; it is a large brick build­ing,
with chapel & schoolrooms, erected in 1793, & let
upon perpetual lease to the guardians of the poor in r835 ;
it will hold 400 inmates, but the average number is under
zoo; George Croxton Walker, master; Mrs. Walker,
matron; Rev. Alfred Hawkins Jones LL.B. chaplain;
Charles Edward Prior M.D. medical officer ; Henry J.
Eliff, schoolmaster ; Miss J a ne Giddings, schoolmistress ;
Annie M. Giddings, assistant schoolmistress
Meets at Workhouse when necessary.
Clerk, Mark Sharman, 6 St. Paul's square, Bedford
Treasurer, Thomas Barnard, Bedford Bank
Medical Officer of Health, Charles Edward Prior M.D. ro
Tavistock street, Bedford
Inspector of Nuisances, William Turn bull, Foster Hill road,
Meets at Workhouse when necessary.
Clerk, Mark Sharman, 6 St. Paul's square, Bedford
Attendance & Inquiry Officer, Joseph Adams, Kempston
road, Bedford
Regimental District No. 16.
Depot of the rst & znd Battalions, Kempston Barracks.
Lieut.-Col. Commanding Regimental District, Col. R. W. M.
3rd Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment (Bedfordshire Militia);
head quarters, Kempston Barracks; Hon. Col. .Sir J. M.
Burgoyne hart. commanding; Capt. S. Nicholson, in­structor
of mwlketry; Major W. H. Young, adjutant;
A. Hislop, quartermaster; Surg.-Maj. Row land Hill
Coombs :M.D. medical officer, also a militia medical
Tower Hamlets (2nd East London) Royal Engineers Volun­teers
(Bedford Co. & Cadet Corps), l:>e Parys avenue,
Capt. G. J. R. Gliinick.e, commandant
Bedfordshire Regiment, 3rd Volunteer Battalion ; head
quarters & battalion orderly room, 155 Tavistock stree1i ;
Hon. Col. J. T. Green, commanding ; Hon. Lieut. -Col.
E. R. Green & J. G. Coventry-Campion, majors; Capt.
H. Morgan, adjutant; G. Overend, quartermaster; C. C.
Hicks, surgeon; Surg.-Major D. Thomson M.D. acting
surgeon; Rev. R. B. Poole D.D. acting chaplain; A
Company, Capt. R. P. Jarvis ; B Company, Capt. J. Fitz­gerald
Public Officers.
Chief Constable of the County Police, Lieut.-Col. Frederick
John Josselyn; Supt. George Tomlinson, chief clerk;
head quarters office, Shire hall
Clerk to the Bedford County Council & Clerk of the Peace,
Theed William Pearse, Shire hall, St. Paul's square
Clerk to Bedford District Highway Board, Leverton Jessopp,
3 St. Paul's square
Clerk to Commissioners of Property & Income Tax for the
Town of Bedford, William George Carter Mitchell, 8 St_
Paul's square
Clerk to Visiting Justices of Private Lunatic Asylum~,
J ames Pearse, St. Paul's square
Collector of Poor Rates for the Borough of Bedford, Arthur
Raine Thompson, r63 Tavistock street
Coroner for the County, Mark Whyley, Dame Alice street;
deputy coroner, James Peter Piper M.A. Dame Alice st
Diocesan Surveyor, George Highton, 12 Victoria terrace,
Bromharn road
District Registrar of the High Court of Justice, James
Pearse, St. Paul's square
Inland Revenue Officer, Caleb Killick, 2 Cromwell place,
River street
Inspector of Corn Returns, Caleb Killick, 2 Cromwell
place, River street ., ·
Inspector of Weights & Measures for No. 2 District o( the
County, Henry Quenby, ~olice stat~oll, Gadsb~ street 1               

Kelly's Directory of Bedfordshire, 1890

262 total pages