Text for Kelly's Directory of Norfolk, 1912 - Page 35

              14 NORFOLI( [KELLY'S
Name. Electoral Division., Name. Electoral Division.
Astley D. G. L'E. J.P ............ Blofield · llare Lieut. -Col. Sit T. L.
H~con N. H. J.P ... ,. ........ _. .... , D1tchingham bart. M.-y.o., J.P ........... ~ ... - Downham
Bardell J ........................... King'e Lynn (South Ward) Hastings Lord J.F ........ ~ ...... Holt
Barrett-Lennard T. J.P ......... Western ~t. Faith's Jeary H. \V ........................ West Flegg
Ba.teman Colin ..................... East Guiltcross Jessup R .. , ............. , .. , .. , ....... Attleborough
Beeton J. W ........................ Hunstanton Keppel T. J.P ..................... Diss
Birch A. E. H. B.A., J.P ......... Fincham Kerrison Lt.-Col. .E. R. A. R.A.,
Boddy G. F ........................ South Smallburgh c.M.G., ;J.P ..................... Buxton
Booth N. J.'P .• · ................... ~, Upwell Kimberley Earl of,"J.P .•••.• , • .,. North Walsham
Carr W. M.A.., l.P .................. Loddon Littlewood C. J ....... ~···· .. •····• Aylsham
Collison A. J.P ..................... Litcham Mitchell J. B ......... ,.ro·····•·•·• Mundford
Colman W. B ...................... Runwell I Mornement E ..................... West Guiltcross
Cranmer T .......................... Dereham Owles E .............................. Southrepps
Cronshey A. G-: ............. .' ...... Thetford Pilgrim G ........................... North Smallburgh,
Culling J. G. ;r.P .................. Swaffham Pratt E. R. M. B.A., J.J' ......... Hilgay
Davison D. J.P ..................... Cromer Rackham G. W .................. Humbleyard
Day H. A. ........................... Docking Ridley R. 0 ........................ King's Lynn (Middle Ward)
Denny R. H. J.P .................. Henstead Rippingall N. F. H. J.P ......... Walsingham
Dewar Charles J.~ ............... Freebridge Lynn (North) Searle D ........................... Burnham
Dewing H. A ........... ! ......... Wells Sutton B. C ......................... Acle
Digby- A. iJ.P ........................ Fakenham Taylor A. J.P ..... ._ ...... ,; ...... Harleston
Dunn E .............................. King's Lynn (North Ward) Taylor W. B ...................... ,. Sahlim Tooey
Edwards G ............ 1 .......... Freebridge Lynn (South) Thompson G. W ................... Hingharn
Evans-Lombe Maj. A. F. J.P ... Shipdham Towler W ............................ Melton Constable
Evans-Lombe E. H. oJ.P ......... Mattishall Upcher H. E. S. B.A.~ J.P ...... Feltwell
Failes W. oJ.F ..................... Terrington Waters C. W. J.P .................. East Flegg
Fryer W. B. J.P .................. Wymondham Whalebelly W. J.P ............... Watton
Goldsmith H. H ................... Stratton Wyand B. E ........................ Reepham
Gurney Sir E. J.P ............... Eastern St. Faith's Young Rev. J ...................... Walsok.en
Hare Sir Cf. R. L. bart. D.L., J.P Elmharn
~ierk to the County Council, G. Christopher Davies, The
Shire house, Norwich
Deputy Clerk,. Olerk of the Diseases of Animals Com­mittee
& Old Age Pensions Cdmmittee, Hugh Ohristo­pher
Davies, The Shire house, Norwich
County Treasurer, Geoffrey F. Buxton, The Bank,
County Analysts, Francis Sutton F.C.S., F.I.C. & W,
Lincolne Sutton F.I.C. Redwell street, Norwich
Medical Officer of Health, James Thomas Charles Nash
M.D., C.M.Edin., D.P.H.Camb. The Shire ho.use,
Norwich ·
County Accountant, H. C. Bolingbroke, The Shire house,
County Surveyor, Thomaf! Hind Blumer Heslop M.Inst.
C.E~ The Shire house, Norwich
Education Staff :-
Secretary Education Committee, Thomas A. Cox, The
Shire house, Norwich
Assistant Secretary, A. E. Ikin B.Sc., LL.B. The Shire
house, Norwich .
Assistant Medical Officers, Niel Campbell M.B., O.M.
Glas., D.P.H.R.O.P.S.Eng. David James McLeish
M.A., M.D., Ch. B. Glas., D.P .H. Edin. & Glas. & Ores­well
Burrows M.A. 1 M.D., B.O.Camb. The Shire house,
Building Inspector, C. W. Bullen, The Shire house,
County Inspector, .A. E. Deeks, The Shire house,Norwich
Lady Inspector of Midwives, Miss F. M. Bernard-Boyce
M.R.B.N.A., L.O.S.Assoc. The Shire house, Norwich
Estate .Agent & Assistant Clerk to the Small lloldings &
Allotments Committee, D. C. Barnard B.A., lL.E.,
P.A.S.I. The Shire house, Norwich
Coroners for the County.-Norwich district, Henry Read
Culley, 12 Bank street, Norwich; deputy, Charles
Blackwell Foster, ~ Upper King street, Norwich;
West Norfolk district, Robert Alfred Wilkin, King
-street, King's Lynn; deputy, John Samuel B. Glasier,
King street, Kmg's Lynn ; the Liberty of the Duchy
of Lancaster, Waiter May Barton, Guildhall, Dere­ham;
deputies, Walte~ John Rarton & Charles
Thomas Barton, Guildhall, East Dereham; the Duke
of Norfolk's Liberty, Henry Edwin Garrod, Mount
street, Diss; Guy Edward Knightley Burne, Mount
street, Diss (joint coroners); deputy, Roland Henry
Bouchier Wilson, Mount street, Diss; the Liberty of
Sir Thomas Leigh Hare bart. comprising ~he whole of
the Hundred of Clackclose, & also Coroner for the
Liberty of Charles Watson Townley esq. comprising
the whole of the Half Hundred of Clackclose, Harry
Reginald Bland Wayman M.A. Bridg~ street, Down-­ham;
deputy, W. J. Hynen, Nelson house, Downham;
Thetford district, Odden Fredc. Read, High st. Milden­hall;
deputy, Geo. Odden Read, White Hart st.Thetford
High Constables.-West 'Flegg, Robert Kidman esq.
Repps, Norwich; East Flegg, Knights Francis Daniel
esq. Stokesby, Norwich
Inspectors of Weights & Measures.-Central Norfolk,
John Ryley, 17 Norwich road, East Dereham; East
Norfolk, A. Robinson, 24 Princes street, Norwich;
West Norfolk, William Bertrand Barry, Gaywood rd.
King's Lynn
District Surveyors, with Districts.-Acle, Reginald
George Ooates, Acle, Norwich; Aylsham, Donalcl
Henry Steward C.E., M.R.San.Inst. Oawston road,
Aylsham; Castleacre, Robert Gibson, Gayton, King' I.!
Lyllill; Dereham, David J ohnson, South Green, East
Dereham; Docking, James Kennedy, Docking; Down­ham,
W. A. Rogerson, Downham Market; Harling
East, William W. Glad well, Diss; Loddon, John S.
Cooke, Loddon, Norwich; Marshland, Robert Nelson,
Magdalen road, W atlington, Downham Market ; W al­singham,
D. Spields, Sculthorpe road, Fakenham;
Watton, Thomas Brown, The Firs, Ashill, Thetford;
Wymondham, Alexander Fowler, Vicar street, Wy­mondham
Veterinary Inspectors under the "Diseases of Animals
Acts," with their Districts ;-No. :1, Harry Vincent
Low M.R.C.V.'S. I~ St. Giles street, Norwich; No.
:;~, William Shipley, jun. F.R.O.V.S. 28 Southtowtl
road, Great Yarmouth; No. 3, George King Wake
'M.R.C.V.S. 5~ Norwich str~t, East Dereham; No. 4•
Miles Augustu!l Baker M.R.O.V.S. Church farm,
Emneth, Wisbech; No. 5, Edward Margarson
M.R.C.V.S. Market place, Swaffham; No. 6, Bernard
William Blomfield M.R.O.V.S. West house, Watton,
Thetford; No. J, Gordon Mclntyre, Loddon, Norwich;
No. 8, Arthur Roll M.R.C.V.S. New Buckenham,
Attleborough; No. g, George Grigson M.R.C.V.S.
London road, Downham Market j No. ID, Malcolm Bray
M.R.C.V.S. Manor house, Docking, King's Lynn; No.
II, Thomas Edward Barcham M.R.C.V.S. Paston,
North Walsham; No. u, Daniel Elmer Rattee
M.B.C.V.S. Fundenhall, Norwich; No. 13, John
.Buckingham M.R.C.V.S. The Limes, Harleston; No.
14, Jeffrey Arthur Griffiths M.R.C.V.S. Hill house,
Feltwell, Brandon; No. 15, John Hammond, sen.
M.R.O.V.S. Bale, Melton Constable;. No. 16, Wilfred
Waters M.R.C.V.S. Blofield, Norwich; No. 17, Thomas
Edward Auger M.B.C.V.S. Cock street, Wyrnond­ham;
No. 18, F .. Bertie Oden Taylor M.R. C. V. S.
Reepham, Norwich; No. rg, Willia.m J. T. Bower
M.R.C.V.S. East Rudham, King's Lynn               

Kelly's Directory of Norfolk, 1912

961 total pages