Text for The Original Brighton & Hove Directory, 1854 - Page 358

              352 TRADE DIRECTORY.
Spackman, Rob., 43, Kemp st.
Spratley, Jas. Samuel, 62, North
Standen, Robert, 38, Grosvenor
Stevcns, Henry, 25, 'V estem rd.
Stevens, John, 2, Cavendish pl.,
Strand, Gcorge, 4, Dyke road
Swcatman, George, 18, Victoria
Talmcy, J ames, 20, Vine place
Taylor, Wm., 102, St. George's
Thomas, Evan, 18, Prince Albert
Thompson, J abez, 71, St. George' s
Thorpc, ScdleyTanjore, 13, West-ern
Thunder, Edwin, 15, East street
Tozer, 'Wm., 161, North street
Trussler, -, 1, Blackman street
Tugwell, J obn, 62, Middle street
Tngwell, 'V m., 7, Fleet street
Tune, Mary Ann, 79, St. J ames's
V augbau, Frederick, 38, Trafal-gar
V oak, J., 10, Terminus road
W allis, T. S., 15, Hanover street
W aruer, William, 18, George st.
Washer, W., 116, London road
'Vat€rman, ,V., 56, St. J ames's
Watts, Charles, 50, Temple street
Watts, C. 26, St. J ames's street
Webb, Isaac, 1, Boyce's street
Wells, John, 23, Little East st.
Whale, H., 2, Brunswick street,
'Wheeler, J ames, 31, Union street,
Ship street
Wilkinson John, 4, Hanover st.
Williams, John, 14, Ship street
Woods, John, 2, Regency col.
Wratling, Amos, 5, Southover st.
York, C., 3, Upper Bedford st.
Young, Thomas, 77, Western rd.
See also Whitesmitbs.
Dunsford, W., 31, Western road
Smith, Mary Ann, 181 Nile street
Ashby, ,V. G. & S., Bedforrl and
Castle Breweries, 18, Silwood
street, and 251 Castle street
Baruett, J ohu, 16, Russell street
Beard, Edward, 123, King's road
Cleaver, John, 86, Trafalgar st.
Davey, Wm., 1, Gcorge st., Hove
Gallard, G., Brighton Steam
Brewery, Cliftonville
Hallett & Abbey, Bristol Brewery,
Seymour st. Seeadv.p.14.
Hooker, Wm., Attas Brewery,
112, London road
Keeping and Bradlcy, Regent
Brewery, 52 & 53, Regent st.
Kirkpatrick & Co., Chapel street
Brewery, St. J ames' s street
See adv. p. 42.
Longhurst, Henry, Amber Ale
Brewery, 721 London road
l\farsball, C., 19, College gardens
North, >Y. 17, Montaguc place
North and Marshall, College
Brewery, 16, Montague pl.
Proctor, Robert Shaw, 53, St.
George' s road
Robins, E. and Son, 6, Marine
parade See adv. p. 7.
Smithers & Isaacson, North Street
lJreu:ery, 201, Western road
Tamplin & Son, Phrenix Brewery,
Waterloo street, North
Thompson & Co., Crown Brewery,
Albion hill. See adv. p. 4.
Thrupp and Co., Rock Brewery,
St. J ames' s street
Tombs and Hale, Black Lion
Brewery, Black Lion street
V allance, Catt, & Co., 8, West st.               

The Original Brighton & Hove Directory, 1854

490 total pages