Text for The Original Brighton & Hove Directory, 1854 - Page 351

              TRADE DIRECTORY. 345
Dog Tray, 10, Edward street,
Aaron Godley
Dolphin, 42, College place, Wm.
Ell is
Dorset Arms, 30, Dorset gardens,
Am os \V oolgar
Dorset Arms, 60, John street,
Charles Hart
Druid's Arms, 37, Brunswick pl.,
North, Philip M ugridge
Druid's Head, 9, Brighton place,
H. Andrews
Duke of Cambridge, 1, Cam­bridge
street, Rich. Graimes
Duke of Cumberland, 118, Sus­sex
street, George Camber
Duke of York, 2, York road,
J amcs Gamman
Dun Horse, 3, Rock street,
Emily Clark
Eight Bells, 49, West street,
John Jacnb Willard
Elm Grove Tavern, 14, Elm
Grove, George Holobone
Elm Tree, 3, John street, Charles
Engineer, 25, Cheapside, Henry
Essex Arms, 46, Essex street,
J amcs Knight
Essex Arms, 40, Lavender street,
William Range
Evening Star, 56, Surrey street,
Ann Scott
Fisherman's Home, 55, Russell
street, Mrs. Parker
Fitters' Arms, 25, York road,
John Penfold
Flowing Stream, Surrey street,
J. Adames
Forester's Hope, 18, Elder street,
Isaac J enner
Fortune of War, 27, George
street, S. Bristow
Fountain, 10, Upper Bedford
street, George Harvey
Fox, 76, London rd., T. Gurringe
Fox, 34, Upper North street,
Edward Sheward
Free Church, 96, Church street,
William Swindel!s
Freemasons' Tavern, 39, W estem
road, llove, Thos. Lindfield
Full Moon, 8, Boyce' s street,
John Bennett
Gardeners' Arms, 9, Terminus
road, Hem-y Leach
Globe, 34, Cavendish st., Thos.
Golden Boot, 55, Edward street,
Benjamin Pool
Golden Cross, 1 7 5, \V cstcrn road,
Charles \V cllcr
Good Intent, 4, Albion hill,
Richard Howell
Good Intent, 54, Edward street,
George Gates
Good Intent, I, Upper Russcll
street, Benjamin Kent
Green JIIIan, 7, Queen's gardens,
William Oram
Greyhound, 56, Middle street,
\Villiam George
Hampton Arms, 51, Upper North
street, Mrs. A very
Hanover Arms, 71, Southover
street, G. H. Clayton
Harp Tavern, 18, Gardner street,
Ro bert Burgess
Heart and IIand, 52, Ship street,
Thomas Bird
Heart in Hand, 85, North lane,
R. Rayward
Hearts of Oak, 17, Kensington
place, J. Agates
Helmet, 32, High st., IIy. Harper
Herefordshire Arms, 7 8, North
lane, J. Lucas
Hippopotamus, 62, New England
street, George Gates
Hope Ilill Tavern, 18, Albion
hill, John Sandles
Hope Tavern, 9, Frcderick place,
Mrs. Jones
Horns, 2, Rock street, John
Horse and Groom, 3, Lower Mar­ket
street, William Gurnsey               

The Original Brighton & Hove Directory, 1854

490 total pages